Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 8 Tutorial

Strategy Statement


Strategy Statement



The island is set in the snowy mountains, soon it appears you're not alone.
The land itself is fighting against you and soon you are surrounded, by snow. Soon hallucinations sets in and your survival is limited to mere minutes


The scale ranged from the macro with deforming the land to smaller scales of trees, to girders and placement and numbering of trucks. Objects have been placed to represent the combination and is also placed in the movie

Environment and Island

The environment was based on the icy landscape of New Zealand during the research of the picturesque task and as such meant that it was mostly empty wasteland of snow.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Week 5 Independent Study

1.Using several items to create and suggest the use of N4, this will be placed around the area in which the trailer will be shot each having the items placed in but also part of the action.

3. The lecture discussing how in cryengine ways of creating suggestive elements for the number and letter can be created, providing on differences of macro to micro with using elements from animals to terrain and terraforming

Uses of Letter Number Combination

In the shape of an N and there's four cars for each, N4

Island in the shape of an island
Hidden in the outhouse

 Girder (N) and 4 sign boards in a pile
Trees in a N shape and 4 trees hence N4